Friday, August 28, 2009

Kamden starts Preschool.

If most of you remember last year, taking Kamden to preschool was always difficult. He would fight, cry, go limp as a fish, and cling to me each time I tried to drop him off. As the year went on it progressively got worse. Remembering how he was then I was worried about how he would do now. As the first day of school came Kamden didn't want to go. We got ready and showed up at school and to my surprise he got out of the car and started walking to the school without me even next to him. I caught up with him and was walking slightly behind me. I wouldn't let him touch me or try to hold my hand because I knew if I let him he would start to cling. As we rounded the corner hall and we could see his class door open I told Kamden to go to his class. He walks straight into his class with NO tears and didn't even look back.
Can I tell you how shocked and proud of him I was and am! I feel like he has matured and grown during the summer. Either he has more confidence in himself or he cut one of those strings that was attached to me and is doing well without it. Since then he's done really good. I had one day of tears but none since. I find if I don't walk with him to the class he will go all by himself. He loves school and his teacher. He talks in detail about all the doings in the class and talks about it with such enthusiasm.

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