Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Things I've learned this week.

Things I have learned this reading Alicia's blog I thought I'd list things that I have learned this week or things that I am trying to work on. I've learned that holding on to grudges just holds me back. And doesn't help me feel happy on the inside. I've discovered Prilosec OTC and now know that I can't live without it for the next 7 months. It helps indigestion and heart burn. Being pregnant I am a gassy girl with really painful indigestion so this is my cure. I've learned that I still need to be patient and loving even when my child in all over me and stinks like the outdoors which makes me sick. Wether he or she stinks I still need to cuddle and show them love because they have hurt feelings and don't feel loved if I push them away and tell them they stink. I'm really bad at spending money and sticking to a budget. I cut up my credit cards so that I have no cushion if I run out of money on my budget. My husband has all the checks so that I can really learn how to live on a budget and not just write a check for more money like I would normally do. I learned that I don't need to be dressed in the most expensive jeans and look the cuttest and that I have plenty of clothes and don't need more. I'm working on not stopping somewhere to eat every time I leave my house. I have realized that I taught my kids that when we leave the house even after eating lunch that it is okay to stop somewhere to get a drink at the gas station or stop for ice cream or even another meal if they nag me enough. I am now trying to retrain them on eating at home and bringing a snack or water with them in the car in case they get hungry or they have to wait until we get home. This one isn't just them I have to train....its me too. I am working on sticking to my rules at home. Like not playing until chores are done....and NO they can't wait in the house until you finish your chores. Chores sometimes take all morning long and yeah some mornings would be nice to have them gone. Like I said I'm still working on sticking to my rules. So those are some things I've learned and some things I am working on.

1 comment:

Alicia said...

This is a great list, Kahea! Really good goals! :) And I'm chuckling about your family photos because we attempted some and it was a DISASTER! I'm going have to HIRE someone to take ours! That's how bad it was. haha... lets get together soon! How about the Zoo?